I pray these snapshots of our sermon series wet your appetite for more of God's word and His transforming power. If you would like to listen to the messages associated with each blog, simply click on the image and it will take you video messages. 


Imagine if your life—past, present, & future—was defined by the worst mistake you’ve ever made. Imagine if, whenever someone mentioned your name, they brought up your lowest moment. No matter what you do, you can never escape a single choice or decision. This is essentially the definition of “cancel culture.” This practice of writing off—or cancelling—a person based on one offensive or questionable action has gained popularity in recent years, particularly in the media. In short, cancel culture eliminates any opportunity for people to redeem themselves by using their most sever blunders to measure their worth and potential. This thinking would require someone to do the impossible—live a perfect life—to have the chance for a meaningful and worthy life.

Now imagine the exact opposite. Imagine still having the ability to lead a worthwhile and impactful life, despite your greatest mistakes. This is exactly how God operates when it comes to using people for His glory. God’s default settings are forgiveness and redemption, regardless of your past. Throughout the Bible there are countless examples of people with skeletons in their closets ranging from lying and adultery to murder whose futures were not cancelled because of their pasts. Our new series “Redemption Culture” will focus on these stories. We will look at how God is able to redeem seemingly hopeless and worthless people to be some of His greatest disciples. 

In a cultural climate where one wrong thing said or done can essentially destroy your life, our God still offers second chances. Join us as we examine how God uses imperfect people to advance the gospel through “Redemption Culture.” 

Written by:

Emily Tosh


Have you ever wanted to have a face-to-face conversation with Jesus? To be able to hear His teachings firsthand and ask Him questions? To have Him speak directly to your situation or witness Him perform a miracle? In this series, “Lessons on the Lake,” we’re going to look at the conversations Jesus had with His twelve disciples on and around the Sea of Galilea. We’ll focus on the miracles that Jesus showed only to His disciples away from the crowds, such as when He walked on water. We’ll look at the messages He reserved specifically for His closest followers and ask the question, “how does this apply to me as a follower of Christ and a present-day disciple?” 

Over the next several weeks, you’ll have a front-row seat to some of Jesus’ most amazing works and exclusive teachings. You’ll have the opportunity to sit in on these intimate discussions between Jesus and the apostles and to see how He displayed His power solely for these 12 men. Together, we’ll dig into what Jesus felt was important to communicate to His followers when no one else was around. If you have accepted Jesus as your savior, you—like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are a disciple of Christ, and these lessons are still relevant and important for you, too. We invite you to grab your fishing pole and join us as we study Jesus’ teachings from the Lake. 

Written by:

Emily Tosh